Cindy Wilson
Cindy Wilson

People get a real kick out of hearing our songs with an orchestra. It makes you feel like you're in a movie with unexpected bursts of energy. It's really kind of psychedelic in a way.

Conrad Anker
Conrad Anker

Climbing, as my grandmother said, it's a pretty frivolous thing. She always wondered when I was going to get a real job. But climbing is a real job for me now, and I enjoy it. It's a gift that I'm able to do it, share adventure and motivation with people.

Daniel Espinosa
Daniel Espinosa

If the crew is hit by the situation that we're trying to portray, I think we get a real and a stronger moment with the camerawork and the actors.

Dean Wareham
Dean Wareham

I know I get a real kick, an emotional charge, out of playing a song I haven't played for 10 years. It just takes you back to that point in your life.

Dennis Edwards
Dennis Edwards

I used to tell my mother, 'I'm going to have to get a real job one day.' You keep saying this will end one day, but people still call us up and ask us to sing. It's truly amazing.

Ed Stoppard
Ed Stoppard

The beauty of Rome is that you can wander into a pizzeria just about anywhere and get a real Italian pizza that's thankfully worlds away from the Super Supreme I used to order at Pizza Hut as a kid.

Eliza Dushku
Eliza Dushku

After I graduated high school and came out to do 'Buffy,' I was enrolled at my mom's university, and I was going to go get a real job. I never thought of acting and never really wanted to be an actor.

Genie Francis
Genie Francis

I have an appearance on a new TV show called 'Bar Karma' on Current TV. I had the most fun ever making this episode. I play someone with a multiple personality, and I think my fans will be surprised and get a real giggle out of it. It's a new model for TV in that it is interactive with the community.

George Pelecanos
George Pelecanos

My goal is to get a real film industry started in Washington. An actual one, not where features come to town and shoot second unit for a few days. I would love to get something started here. Hire local crews. People could work year-round and raise their families here.

Glenn Danzig
Glenn Danzig

But unfortunately, I have to say, one out of every 100 interviews I do, I get a real journalist.